With the public release of iOS 10 on September 2016, we haven’t seen a usable public jailbreak from Pangu or TaiG. But don’t misunderstand that because the well performed Italian developer Luca Todesco has already published iOS 10.1.1 Cydia installer to the iPhone, iPad users. However, you will see more details about download Cydia for iOS 10.1.1 in the middle of this article and it is important to know that Apple has seeded the beta of iOS 1o.2.1 to the developers and public beta testers. The common version of iOS 10.2.1 download will release in this month to the public. Currently, iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 is available for the developers and it will release soon for the iDevice users with bug fixes and performance improvements.
Currently, iOS 10.2.1 beta 4 is available for the developers and it will release soon for the iDevice users with bug fixes and performance improvements. If you’re a Cydia download lovers who are expecting a new jailbreak, we have brought you some special news of iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak to give our fans.
Will Luca Todesco make Cydia for iOS 10.2.1?
If you want to see the download Cydia iOS 10.2.1 from our great hacker Luca Todesco, there is a chance to release iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak after its official release. You might know that Todesco is already developing his yalu iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak to add support for iOS 10.2 Cydia install. At the beginning of iOS 10.1.1 Cydia installer, he announced that iOS 10.2 jailbreak won’t compatible with this jailbreak tool but now, he has decided to do this procedure.
Download Cydia iOS 10.2.1 will release for the public soon
For sure, iOS 10.2.1 jailbreak will happen soon according to the Luca, following the same way that used for iOS 10.2. The last public jailbreak was released by the famous Pangu team for iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak but we are unable to say that iOS 10 haven’t been jailbroken. A number of famous and new jailbreak developers such as Luca Todesco, iH8sn0, @ijapija00 and Pangu team unleashed the iOS 10 jailbreak demos to our jailbreak and Cydia installer society. Once, the new hacker @ijapija00 proved that we’re still possible to download Cydia for iOS 10.2 and iOS 10.1.1. After few weeks of this jailbreak demonstration video release, Luca Todesco shared his yalu + mach_potal iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak with the public.
If you’re still hoping iOS 10.2.1 download Cydia, we have to advise you that stay with your current iOS firmware is the better choice. Apple did not release iOS 10.2.1 to the public yet so, do not move to this latest update once it published. Luca will make Cydia download for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch users soon so, stay with this jailbreak until the next jailbreak release.
Comment here what you’re thinking about install Cydia iOS 10.2.1.