Installation Guide and Changelogs of yalu102 beta 7 for iOS 10.2 Jailbreak

A few days ago, we informed Cydia installer fans that the yalu102 beta 7 for iOS 10.2 jailbreak is released by Luca Todesco. Beta 7 of iOS 10.2 Cydia installer has been developing and it also added more new facilities. The latest update of yalu102 is running on all 64-bit iOS devices except for iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus. However, if you have a compatible iPhone, iPad or iPod touch devices running iOS 10 – iOS 10.2, you’re free to download Cydia for iOS 10.2 using Todesco’s yalu102 beta.

yalu102 for iOS 10.2 jailbreak

In this guide, we’re going to show the changelogs of yalu102 jailbreak since its first beta and installation guide for jailbreak lovers who are still looking for yalu iOS 10.2 jailbreak. If you’re a new user to the jailbreak community visit our previous guide of iOS 10.2 Cydia install using yalu102 beta 7 to know all the steps of yalu102 Cydia installer.

Changelogs of yalu102 for Jailbreak iOS 10.2

Beta 1: This is the first release of yalu102 jailbreak. Todesco updates yalu + mach_portal iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak to add support for iOS 10.2 and Cydia Substrate

Beta 2: yalu102 beta 1 was supported only with 16k devices which are iPhone 6s and later devices. In this beta, developer could add support for 4k devices so, iPhone 5s and later iDevies can run iOS 10.2 Cydia installer

Beta 3: fixed Apple watch

Beta 4: We recommend you to avoid using this beta to jailbreak iOS 10.2 because it has some issues. In this version, has fixed the vulnerability that used in yalu102 when it starts which means iOS 10.2 jailbreak tool has now fixed to keep safe from the future offensives. Fixes a security issue on DropBear so, DropBear is now listening on rather than These are the main new changes of the beta 4 of yalu102 for iOS 10.2 Cydia install but there are other changes on this update. Also adds JITSupport, tfp0 and nonceenabler for the jailbreak.

Beta 5: Same as the previous beta update, this version is not eligible to use for download Cydia. In this beta, Todesco attempted to fix the beta 4

Beta 6: Successfully fixed the stability for yalu102 beta 4 and beta 5. nonceEnabler patched

Beta 7: At the time of writing this article, this is the latest and most stable version of iOS 10.2 jailbreak. Todesco has been added the support for iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4 with this beta. Currently, all the 64-bit devices support except for iPhone 7 plus and iPhone 7

yalu102 beta download for iOS 10.2 Jailbreak

When it comes to the beginning of Cydia installer download for iOS 10 – iOS 10.2, Luca Todesco did jailbreak iOS 10 when it was on beta and he named it yaluX. Step by step he developed his own stuff for the updates of iOS 10 then, he could jailbreak iOS 10 beta 8 on iPad. As we know, all these single developers do not make their jailbreak for the public. However, with the release of iOS 10.1.1 minor update, Todesco announced that he will release iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak for the public in the near future.


Finally, Luca released the first beta of yalu + mach_portal iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak to the jailbreak community with a lot of surprises. Then it was developed for iOS 10.2 jailbreak and changed the name as yalu102. At this moment, we have reached to the seventh beta of yalu102 for iOS 10.2 download Cydia. Of course, seems this beta is more stable than others but the developer is considering about add more features including iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus support. Not to worry, the stable version of iOS 10.2 jailbreak will release soon for the iPhone, iPad, iPod touch users soon by Luca Todesco.

Comment here if you have tried yalu102 jailbreak to install Cydia on your device.

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