Hello everyone! It is great to let you know that Unc0ver and Checkra1n proved that iOS 13.5 is a jailbreakable version last week. And now, we welcome all of you to turn your iOS 13.5 running devices jailbroken using one of them. In this post, we will unwrap a long list of popular iOS 13.5 jailbreak tweaks. Since still, Checkra1n is a beta, it seems many jailbreakers turned to follow Unc0ver v5.0.0. However, both tools will end you as a jailbroken user with Cydia. Although Apple already confirmed that we are no longer able to sign in iOS 13.4.1, it would be great to walk through Cydia using the latest 13.5.
Download iOS 13.5 jailbreak tweaks
Jailbreak is the doorway that lets us bring Cydia tweaks on any iPhone, iPod or iPad. Thus, if you wish to have true Cydia on your device, make sure that the version you stand with is a jailbreakable one. There is nothing to worry about iOS 13.5 for it is a broken chapter and that will let you carry out all the following apps. While I am writing this, it is a beta version that the Checra1n team offered for 13.5. But, those who chase Unc0ver will be able to collect their latest 5th update. Here we go.
What are the iOS 13.5 jailbreak tweaks?
- AnsweringMachine XS 1.2-6
- Activator
- Applocker
- Apps Manager
- BatteryLife
- Appaze 2
- Barmoji
- BioProtect XS
- B3rry
- BetterCCXI
- BrowserDefault
- Batchomatic
- ByeHomeBottomBarX
- Cask 2
- CallBar X
- CCLinker
- CC On & Off
- CarBridge
- CCModules
- Cercube
- CocoaTop
- ChargingBubbles
- Complications
- ChatSpeaker
- Deluminator
- Cylinder
- Choicy
- Faces Pro
- Evanesco
- Flame
- Filza & Filza Plus
- Flex 3
- Flame
- Groovify
- FloatyDock
- FiveDock 13
- Filza File Manager 64-bit
- HapticPasscode
- Harpy
- HideLabels13
- Half
- Haptic Keys
- HideBarX
- iCleaner and iCleaner Pro
- Kalm
- JellyFish
- KernBypass
- LibertyLite Beta 0.2.12
- LetMeBlock
- Little11
- KeySwipe
- LocalIAOStore 13
- Liberty Lite
- Mega UHB
- MiscSettings
- Live Rings
- MImport
- MirrorSelfie
- NoFlashlight Wake
- OneNotify
- NtSpeed
- PowerModule
- OTADisabler
- OnlineNotify
- Pivot
- PowerSelector
- PowerApp
- PhoneScroll
- Prysm
- PhotoData 12
- PullOver Pro
- PowerMenuX (All Devices)
- Quart
- Rhino
- PencilChargingIndicator
- QuickPrefs
- RealKeys
- RecordAnywhere
- ReProvision
- Relocate 0.1.1
- Rocket
- Relocate Module (Control Center) 0.1.1
- SmallSiri
- Relocate Application 0.1.0
- Settings Widget
- RepoFinder
- Safari Plus
- Shark
- Selector
- SnowBoard
- SmallSiri
- Shuffle
- SmoothCursor iOS 13
- StatusViz
- SmartLight
- TapTapFlip
- TouchFlow
- Sposify
- SwipeForMore
- TFDidThatSay?
- TinyBanner 2
- TikTok God
- TweakCompatible
- TweakConfigurator
- T9Dialer
- Twitter++
- VolSkip11
- Velox Reloaded
- Wi-Fi Passwords
- Xen HTML
- YouTube Tools
- UnSub
- VolVibves
- Whoops
- Zenith
- WeatherGround
- XenInfo
- Zebra
Since these are a few from the compatible tweaks, you will be able to encounter more in future. Hope developers will update their tweaks and let us know that they brought advanced features.