Install Cydia for iOS 10.0.1 on iPhone 7 – Luca Todesco Jailbreak I Update

It has been only two weeks of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus release but the famous Italian iOS hacker Luca Todesco has jailbroken and installed Cydia on Apple’s new iPhone which is running on iOS 10.0.1. This is the first Cydia download for iPhone 7 that has revealed to the jailbreak community.

iOS 10.0.1 Cydia download by Luca Todesco

iOS 10.0.1 Jailbreak and Cydia download from Luca Todesco

Luca Todesco has tweeted an image on his Twitter (@qwertyoruiop) to show off the iPhone 7 running iOS 10.0.1 Cydia download. You will see the latest Cydia installer for iOS 10 has installed on this iPhone as Cydia 1.1.26. Luca is an experienced iOS hacker and developer and this is not the first iOS 10 jailbreak from qwertyoruiop. He has already jailbroken the first beta of iOS 10 about two months ago and this man recently published a video demo of iOS 10.0.1 jailbreak with code injection. Follow this link for more information

iOS 10 jailbreak by Luca Todesco

Video : iPhone 7 jailbreak on iOS 10.0.1 by Italian hacker Luca Todesco

Jailbreak iOS 10 with Pangu jailbreak

Remember that Luca is not the only developer who has been jailbroken and installed the Cydia installer for iOS 10. If you’re an active member of the jailbreak community, you should know the Pangu team also has shown a video demonstrate of iOS 10 jailbreak to the Cydia lovers. Pangu revealed iOS 10 Cydia download at the second Mobile Security Conference held in China. The world famous Pangu jailbreak team announced that they will release the Pangu 10 jailbreak for the Cydia fans in the near future. Visit below link for the more details.

Follow : Jailbreak iOS 10 with Pangu

Cydia Download for iOS 10 from developer iH8sn0w

iH8sn0w is a Canadian developer who has developed iFaith & Sn0wbreeze tools for the jailbreak lovers. This developer also published a video to demonstrate the iOS 10 jailbreak possibility when it was in the first beta. In this video, you see the iOS 10 Cydia installer has installed on his iPhone 5 running on latest iOS 10. Unfortunately, Luca and iH8sn0w will never release their jailbreaks to the public iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users to Cydia download.

How I download Cydia for iOS 10.0.1 to iOS 10

Currently, you’re unable to install Cydia for iOS 10 because jailbreak iOS 10 tool hasn’t released to the public yet. But most of the jailbreak teams such as Pangu, TaiG and developers are working hard to release a new jailbreak for iOS 10. We cannot expect Cydia download from above hackers because they are not planning to release the jailbreak for the public.

According to Pangu, the next Pangu 10 download will arrive soon for the iOS devices as they released Pangu iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak. There are lot of fake Cydia installer for iOS 10 so, remember that there is no official Cydia downloader has released to the public.

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