Luca Todesco shared iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download for iPhone 7

A week ago, new iOS hacker called @ijapija00 demonstrated iOS 10.1 jailbreak on iPhone 7 and it was with a lot of rumors. Anyhow, after few days of this case Luca Todesco has shared his photograph of iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download on iPhone 7. These new jailbreak reveals are very important for jailbreak fans because they’re already expecting the iOS 10 jailbreak on their iOS devices.

Luca Todesco iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download

iOS 10.1.1 is the latest public iOS firmware of Apple’s for iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. As we had to know, iOS 10.1.1 includes a lot of security updates that cause hard to jailbreak and download Cydia. But, Luca Todesco and developer @ijapija00 has already proved that it is possible to jailbreak iOS 10.1.1 to get Cydia installer.

Download Luca Todesco’s iOS 10.1.1 Cydia installer

This is not the first jailbreak by Luca Todesco, better known as @qwertyoruipz by the jailbreak community. He has started on iOS 10 jailbreak from when the iOS 10 first beta release and we had to see a number of Luca’s jailbreak release in last few months. It is not easy to create a new jailbreak tool for Apple’s latest iOS firmware because there’s updated security facilities has included in iOS like kernel patch protection (KPP). Luca Todesco said announced that he did manage iOS 10 compatibility from the beginning to support with iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download.

qwertyoruiop ios 10.1.1 jailbreak

After the iOS 10.1.1 Cydia install demonstrate by the new iOS hacker called @ijapija00, Saurik shared his ideas about these new jailbreak demos on Reddit about creating new libraries to use Cydia Substrate. According to Saurik, a specialized library is not recommended and the Cydia substrate should work fine on iOS 10.

Follow : iOS 10 – 10.1.1 jailbreak demo by developer @ijapija00

When will release the iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak ?

Most important thing is these speedy iOS firmware release is giving a huge tension for iOS hackers and developers who are researching the possibility of iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak to Cydia download on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch. Public jailbreak release is not an easy work as we use it because there are a lot of things to be done. The jailbreak should be a stable one to compatible with both Windows and Mac, it has to be work fine without bugs so Pangu, TaiG, PP or whatever jailbreak team will get time to finish iOS 10 – iOS 10.1.1 Cydia installer.

On the other hand, we can agree with single developers for self-using their jailbreaks because they have to take a huge pressure with Cydia download release. Pangu and TaiG teams have been releasing jailbreak tools for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users from the past and we will see iOS 10 jailbreak soon on our devices with install Cydia.

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