The second beta of iOS 10 was released on 05th of July for the developers and beta testers and the public beta hasn’t released for iDevices users yet. With the release of iOS 10 first beta, iOS hackers, and jailbreak developers started to work on iOS 10 jailbreak. As a result, many of the jailbreakers could jailbreak and Cydia download on iOS 10 and Luca Todesco a famous hacker has recently jailbroken iOS 10 beta 2.
I’m sure that this will be a good news for jailbreak lovers those who are searching for iOS 10 Cydia download. Luca is a well-known Italian iOS software developer and a hacker who has jailbroken previous iOS 9.2.1, iOS 9.3 beta 1 and iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 using his own jailbreak exploits. Finally, he has got the most awaited and most interesting iOS 10 jailbreak. Read the full article and grab all the information about iOS 10 Cydia.
Cydia Download for iOS 10 by Luca
A few hours ago, Italian developer, Luca Todesco has posted this important news on his twitter better known as @qwertyoruiopz to show his jailbreak possibility to the public. He has posted an image of his jailbroken iPad and Cydia download has already installed on his iPad. Jailbreak community knows that Luca is not going to release his jailbreaks for the public. However, we know that now it will be easy to jailbreak iOS 10 for the famous jailbreak teams such as Pangu and TaiG.
Luca has tweeted a special note that iOS 10 beta 2 is too easy to jailbreak but don’t take it easy because still iOS running on the beta version. So, there is a possibility to fix all these vulnerabilities of iOS 10 beta 2 in the next update and we cannot make sure those jailbreaks are exactly right. However, keep watching us and it will help you to know the current jailbreak situation at the community.
Current Situation of iOS 10 Jailbreak
A few days ago, there was the second Mobile Security Conference was held in Shanghai, China and world’s most popular jailbreak team, Pangu revealed that they have jailbroken iOS 10. Pangu showed a video demonstrate of iOS 10 running jailbroken iPhone to the visitors and it was working with Cydia download. Team Pangu is planning to release Pangu 10 jailbreak after the public release of iOS 10 and it will be a good news for the Cydia lovers.
There is another news about iOS 10 Cydia installer that is a Canadian developer iH8sn0w also has jailbroken iOS 10. He has posted a video demo of his iPhone 5 on his twitter and it also works with Cydia downloader. Unfortunately, all these individual iOS hackers don’t give their jailbreak exploits to the public. So, we have to wait until Pangu or TaiG release the iOS 10 jailbreak.
According to above mentioned revelations, there is a chance to release Cydia download for iOS soon. Anyhow, keep visit us daily for latest jailbreak and Cydia news.
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