Luca Todesco Announces to avoid installing OpenSSH from iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak

Luca Todesco, the man who created yalu + mach_portal jailbreak for iOS 10.1.x has shared a special notice on twitter for the jailbreakers. It advises all the Cydia download users to uninstall OpenSSH or prevent installing it because it will make issues with the upcoming version of iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak beta.

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As Luca mentions, he has already contained a similar SSH server in jailbreak beta 3 hence, installing OpenSSH could be broken both in the later jailbreak update. He has posted on twitter that OpenSSH is “harmless” in mach portal beta 3 and there’s no any issue at now. But he thoroughly advises Cydia install users to remove it because it will be an issue with the next iOS 10.1.x jailbreak update.

What does SSH means

Secure Socket Shell, better known as SSH is a protocol that affords users to use a safe way between two devices to send instructions and data remotely. SSH supplies a powerful certification and heavy encrypted information sharing among two devices through the internet. This is very useful for the jailbreakers such as a situation that Cydia download tweak in not in control then, you can remotely remove the substrate.

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Most of the Reddit followers have complained that OpenSSH is not running correctly on iOS 10.1.1 Cydia installer so, as a solution for this matter Todesco embedded an alternative SSH server which known as “dropbear” in yalu jailbreak. This fulfills the requirement of OpenSSH.

Follow: How to install Cydia for iOS 10.1.1?

Jailbreak iOS 10 – iOS 10.1.1 with yalu + mach portal

Cydia free users who have already installed this tool with jailbreak iOS 10.1.1, should remove it from your iPhone or iPad quickly using Cydia installer. Note that if you aren’t going to remove it, it will make a trouble on iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download once after Todesco release the next update of his jailbreak.

Luca’s iOS 10.1 to iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak is currently supported with iPhone 7 plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 6s and iPad Pro. He also mentions that it is not that easy to add devices to support with this jailbreak but the stable version of yalu + mach_portal jailbreak for iOS 10.1.1 Cydia download will support with all the 64-bit devices including iPhone SE and iPhone 5s.

Download Cydia for iOS 10.1.1 with yalu is currently going on its beta and it will create issues on your iDevice. That’s why Todesco recommend public to stay away from the jailbreak beta for a while. He said that the stable version of iOS 10 through iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak will release soon and it won’t make any issue with your iOS device.

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