Cydia Download Guide and Jailbreak tool Download page

We warmly welcome you to the ultimate jailbreak tool download page of Cydia download. This page contents all the jailbreak solutions that have available at the present and we do our best to maintain this  page. Anyhow, if you’re searching for the jailbreak and get Cydia installer on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, this is the correct destination for your searching. There is no matter with your iOS version, this complete guide will help you to find out all the jailbreak resources from one page.



Since 2007 jailbreak community has released a lot of tools to jailbreak and get Cydia installer on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch such as redsn0w, Absinthe, Evasi0n, Pangu, TaiG and etc. You can find all the iOS jailbreak tools for iOS 1.0 to iOS 9.2.1 from our complete tutorial.

Download Jailbreak tools for your iOS device

Pangu 9.3.3 Jailbreak English version

PanGu iOS 9.2   9.3.3 jailbreak tool

Download Pangu 9.3.3 Jailbreak for iOS 9.2 to iOS 9.3.3 for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Jailbreak iOS 9.2 through iOS 9.3.3

Pangu just released the most awaited Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreak for the 64-bit running iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches. Now you’re allowed to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 to iOS 9.3.3 using both Windows and Mac. Download latest Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak on your iDevice.


Jailbreak Apple TV 4 with Pangu version 1.1.0

Pangu released a new jailbreak to for apple tv 4 jailbreak. Now, it possible to jailbreak tvOS 9 and tvOS 9.0.1 with the Pangu 1.1.0. Read the complete guide to jailbreak apple tv 4 and download the Pangu jailbreak for tvOS from below download link.

Download: Pangu version 1.1.0 for apple tv 4 jailbreak

iOS 9.2 through iOS 9.2.1


If you’re using iOS 9.1, iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1 running device, it’s sad to say that it is impossible to jailbreak and Cydia download for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch at this moment. Pangu and TaiG software development teams have started the battle to release any solution for latest iOS firmware. However, we will be abe to see the iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak in the near future.

update: Pangu released Pangu version 1.3.0 for jailbreak iOS 9.1

iOS 9.1 jailbreak with Pangu version 1.3.0


Pangu released the most awaited iOS 9.1 jailbreak for the jailbreak community on 11th March. There are two versions of this latest tool which are Pangu9 version 1.3.0 for Windows users and Pangu9 version 1.1.0 for Mac users. You can download the latest Pangu 9.1 jailbreak from below direct download links and check our iOS 9.1 jailbreak guide for more information.


iOS 9.0 through  9.0.2


These versions are the latest iOS versions that can be jailbreak and download Cydia. Pangu released the Pangu 9 for the jailbreak community in October 2015 to jailbreak iOS 9. It is possible to get Cydia installer for your iOS 9 to iOS 9.0.2 running iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with the Pangu9 download. If you need help, check on our Cydia download for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 page for the complete guide and tutorial. Download Pangu untethered jailbreak tool from below direct link to your PC or Mac.



iOS 8.4.1


Still there is no any available solution for iOS 8.4.1. jailbreak. All we know that Apple has patched some exploits in iOS 8.4.1 which kills PP jailbreak and TaiG jailbreak.

iOS 8.1.3 through iOS 8.4


You can jailbreak and Cydia download for your iOS 8.1.3 to iOS 8.4 running device with TaiG Jailbreak and PP Jailbreak. TaiG Jailbreak for Windows users and PP Jailbreak tool for Mac users. You can visit for the complete guide and it will help you to know about jailbreak. If you’re using Windows PC, follow jailbreak iOS 8.1.3 to iOS 8.4 with TaiG page for the guide and if you’re a Mac user, you have to follow Cydia for iOS 8.1.3 through iOS 8.4 using PP page for more detail. Here are the download links,



iOS 8.0 through iOS 8.1.2


You can get amazing Cydia installer on your iOS 8.0-8.1.2 running iDevice with the Pangu Jailbreak and TaiG Jailbreak. TaiG version 1.2.1 supports with Windows and Pangu has released jailbreak tool for both of Windows and Mac users. Follow our Cydia Download for iOS 8 through iOS 8.1  page for the step by step tutorial. You can download jailbreak tools through below direct links.



iOS 7.1 to iOS 7.1.2


You can easily jailbreak your iOS 7.1 – iOS 7.1.2 running iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with Pangu jailbreak. You have to know that this is the only way to jailbreak these iOS versions. If you need help, visit Cydia installer for iOS 7.1 to iOS 7.1.2 page for the complete guide and it will help you to jailbreak your iDevice. Aso you can download the jailbreak solution trough below links.



iOS 7.0 to iOS 7.0.6


If you’re still using these versions, remember that evasion7 is the only solution for jailbreak iOS 7.0.6. evasi0n7 also supports with Windows and Mac. Visit on jailbreak  iOS 7.0 to iOS 7.0.4 with evasi0n7 page for the complete tutorial.


We hope that this complete guide will help you to recognize the real jailbreak solution for your Apple iOS device. If there is any question about this jailbreak guide and Cydia installer, please comment below and you will be able to get answers soon.


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