iOS 12.3 is here as the hottest iPhone operating system for those who are with 64-bit iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. So it became the third major role of the array and that even brought a couple of remarkable updates to the entire OS. But still, we do not have proper evidence to note whether hackers will capable to offer us a related jailbreak tool. If you are paying attention to download iOS 12.3, Over the air method and IPSW files are open as usual to set up through iTunes. So let’s check our briefly about its current status for you to upgrade with or else make any other decision.
Updates with download iOS 12.3
There were a couple of beta versions as frequently previous to the major version that we greeted a couple of hours back. Since we only have a few further weeks to count to welcome iOS 13.0, guess that we are at the final part of the 12th iPhone OS which will end its journey within a couple of further days. 12.3 is the chapter that brought the all-new Apple TV app and that became an amazing arrangement to the frame. In accordance with the release note, the app has been perfectly settled there that anyone who will enter 12.3 will capable to go through.
Possibilities of iOS 12.3 jailbreak
Because we recently reached the demonstration of KeenLab for 12.2 and earlier, it seems most fellows are anxious to know if there is a possibility of jailbreak 12.3 as well. But it is pity say that 12.3 is just a frame without any single evidence of jailbreaking thus far. And even we cannot give a clue either.
At the moment, you are capable to collect Chimera as the latest public breakout and Unc0ver as a testing tool. But not any single of them capable to support us for 12.1.3 and above. Even there is a demonstration of KeenLab, it is not a public arrangement for 12.1.3 to 12.2. So at the moment, all versions up to 12.3 are non-jailbreak chapters.
Should I download iOS 12.3?
Of course, 12.3 would be a perfect installation if you are interested in the latest security updates and features. But, it is not a good decision when you are waiting for a jailbreak for 12.2 is a non-jailbreak chapter. However, in my opinion, jailbreakers must not upgrade to 12.3 for any reason while they do not have any good clue about jailbreaking. And even upgrade to higher means that you cannot downgrade back to those jailbreakable stations for they are already closed.
Wrapping up
So it is time to end the narration for we proclaimed all we have. If you are a jailbreaker or not, getting an update to the iOS array means there is a lot to think. So go through complete stories of the update and then go through to make decisions. Stay tuned for we are waiting for hackers to unveil true status of 12.3 behind jailbreaking.