How to jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 – Jailbreak status update

iOS 9.2.1 is the latest iOS firmware that has released for the public. Can I jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2.1? This is the right place to find out the latest jailbreak news and updates for Cydia lovers. Follow our complete guide to know current situation about iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak.



A couple of days ago Pangu released their latest untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 9.1 jailbreak. Pangu surprised the jailbreak community with the release of most awaited Pangu 1.3.0 jailbreak tool. This was a good news for iOS Cydia lovers who were using iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and iOS 9.1 on their iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Unfortunately, newly released iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 versions are still in the un-jailbreakable mode because Apple patched several vulnerabilities used in Pangu9 in iOS 9.1,  you’re unable to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 at the moment.

Current situation of iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak

According to rumors, Pangu will release the next jailbreak tool in the near future. Windknown, a member of core Pangu team has posted a technical article on his twitter page explaining about security and vulnerability fixes found in iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.2

He has posted explaining some technical detail about specific exploits that could be used to jailbreak iOS. His post says you to stay in iOS 9.2 until the public jailbreak release or update your device if you have any doubt about security vulnerabilities in iOS 9.2.1. @qwertyoruip(Luca Todesco) has also tweeted to @windknown about above mentioned post.


According to Luca stay in current iOS 9.2 version, if you want to jailbreak and Cydia download on your device and update your device, if you don’t care about jailbreak.

How to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2.1

Currently, there is no any jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1. But, a famous hacker Luca Tedesco has jailbroken iOS 9.2 using his own method. He has posted a video and some screenshots of untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2. The good news is Cydia installer has been installed on his iPhone 6 and he is working on it.

Video: iOS 9.2 jailbroken by Luca Todesco

Luca Todesco has announced this important news on his twitter (@qwertyoruiop) and unfortunately, he mentions that he have no idea to release this untethered jailbreak solution for the public. However, now we know that it is possible to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 version. Maybe, Pangu will release it soon for our loving Cydia fans.

Stay with us for more Cydia news and jailbreak updates. Comment below your ideas and we’ll answer you as soon as possible.

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