Apple released iOS 9.3 final version for the public users with a handful of bug fixes and new features. Now, all the iOS users who have updated their iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch to iOS 9.3, can feel the new features of newly released iOS version Can I jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.3? Follow this guide about Cydia installer with Pangu 9.3 to see the current situation of iOS 9.3 jailbreak.
Apple released iOS 9.3 with the several improvements such as Touch ID and Password supports with Notes, new Night Shift Mode, Apple school education feature, Carplay Music update, News app improvement and Health app update. iOS 9.3 will be a great experience for all the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users.
Nowadays, all the Cydia and jailbreak lovers are searching and searching for the iOS 9.3 Cydia download. Unfortunately, you’re unable to jailbreak and download Cydia for your iOS 9.3 running iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch at this moment.
Cydia installer for iOS 9.3 with Pangu 9.3
A few days ago, Pangu released the Pangu 9 1.3.1 for iOS 9.1 jailbreak. How to install Cydia using Pangu iOS 9.3 jailbreak ? Currently, there is no way to jailbreak and Cydia installer for newly released iOS 9.3. Not to worry, there is a row of iOS version to jailbreak, iOS 9.2, iOS 9.2.1 users are using their iDevices without Cydia. According to rumors, Pangu will release the jailbreak solution for iOS 9.3 in the near future. Pangu has won the jailbreak crown for iOS 9, 9.0.1, 9.02 and iOS 9.1. So, they will release the next jailbreak tool for jailbreak community. If you’re using iOS 9.2 or 9.2.1, follow these jailbreak guides about current situation of iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak,
iOS 9.3 Cydia download by Luca Todesco
A famous Italian hacker who known as Luca Todesco has jailbroken iOS 9.3 (first beta) using his own jailbreak method. He has published a video demonstration of his jailbroken iOS 9.3 running iPhone 6 and also Cydia is there. Luca has published this video and a screenshot of his iPhone on his twitter (@qwertyoruiop) page. Unfortunately, he will not release this jailbreak secret for the public users. But, now we know that it possible to jailbreak and download Cydia for iOS 9.3. Jailbreak community will be able to get the amazing iOS 9.3 jailbreak soon.
Video: iOS 9.3 jailbreak
If you have upgraded your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to iOS 9.2 – 9.3 version, you have to wait for the release of the Pangu 9.3 jailbreak. Not to worry, both Pangu and TaiG teams are working hard to find a new solution. Someone will release the Cydia installer for iOS 9.3 soon because Luca Todesco did that and all the Cydia lovers will be able to get Cydia installer for their iOS 9.3 devices soon.
Keep in touch with us for more jailbreak news and comment below if you have any doubt about our tutorial.