iOS and iPadOS 14 is one of the interesting topics of Apple for their beloved users with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It is being a few years from the commencement of iPadOS though iOS was there since far. But we all know that both operating systems come with similar keys and performances while a few will just keep them separate. However, now it is time to turn to jailbreakers and see if we are able to bring Cydia for iOS 14. We passed 13 OS chapters with jailbreakers and it is time to go through the 14th as well. Do not worry about saying it is the most advanced security approach of Apple for iDevices for we have keen jailbreakers behind.

How to download Cydia for iOS 14?
Do not hurry to collect Cydia on your iDevice. As iOS 14 is just a beta version, it recalls us that we have to patiently remain a few more months until jailbreakers ready to bring us a tool. At this moment, iOS 14 is not a public version. According to reports, it will turn into a complete version for iDevices on the coming September. It may take more weeks than in prior years because of the current pandemic situation. However, reliable reports spotted the Checkra1n team with their evidence of proving the capability of jailbreak iOS 14. But remember that this is just about the initial beta of the version.
There is no doubt that it is because of the Checkm8 exploit. Because of that, devices up to iPhone X and that categorize to A5 to A11 will be able to go through iOS 14 as well and bring Cydia. It does not mean the rest of you have to stay empty. Do not take our keen developers too lightly. We cannot forget their hard effort behind many hard chapters that we passed thus far.
Wrapping up
We cannot that easily find out a jailbreak tool and go through even they say that we can capture Cydia completely. There should be evidence and even a trustworthy application that we can use confidently. At this moment, iOS 14 do not have such a way to escape. So we have to be with its betas until it will become a complete chapter. Remember that Checkra1n too has very own limitations that we have to remember and make sure if we can go through.