Pangu Jailbreak for iOS 9.3.2 – Jailbreak Status Update

iOS 9.3.2 is now available for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users, this news about Cydia download for iOS 9.3.2 and it will be a good information for Cydia lovers who looking for iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak. A few days ago, there was the second Moile Security Conference in Shanghai, China and team Pangu revealed a lot of important news for the jailbreak community. Read the full article to know that current place of iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak.

iOS 9.3.2 Cydia download

Pangu revealed that the Pangu 9.3.2 jailbreak will release soon for the jailbreak community to download Cydia on their iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. Team Pangu announced this in the MOSEC 2016 event and you have to know that iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak and iOS 10 jailbreak will release soon as possible from Pangu jailbreak.

iOS 9.3.2 Jailbreak Compatibility

  • iPad Pro
  • iPad Air/ Air 2
  • iPad Mini 2/ Mini 3/ Mini 4
  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus
  • iPhone 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone SE
  • iPhone 5/ 5c/ 5s
  • iPhone 4s

We cannot make sure that all these devices are compatible because sometimes, there must be a possibility to remove 32-bit devices from iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak.

How to Cydia Download for iOS 9.3.2

In Mobile Security Conference 2016, Pangu demonstrated that the iOS 10 jailbreak is possible because in this event they showed iOS 10 running iPhone working with Cydia download. According to the Pangu, they have already finished the Pangu 10 download and jailbreak community will be able to see this after the iOS 10 public release. Some visitor asked that when will release the iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak and Pangu answered that they will release the Cydia download for iOS 9.3.2 soon as possible. Probably, Pangu 9.3.2 download will release after the pubic release of iOS 9.3.3 which means you have to wait until the official release of iOS 9.3.3 to get Cydia installer on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

iOS 9.3.2 has already been jailbroken

A famous Italian hacker has already been successfully jailbroken iOS 9.3.2 and he has posted a video demo on youtube to show his jailbreak ability. Luca announced this news on his twitter (@qwertyoruiop) and in his video demo, Luca works with iOS 9.3.2 running iPod Touch and Cydia download has successfully installed on his iPod. Unfortunately, Luca will never release these jailbreak exploits for the public users but not to worry because, now we know that it is possible to jailbreak iOS 9.3.2. Pangu or Taig jailbreak teams will release Cydia installer for the jailbreak community.

Video :- iOS 9.3.2 jailbroken by Luca Todesco

Anyhow, according to all above news we can keep our hopes about iOS 9.3.2 Cydia download because it has already been jailbroken and there is a possible desicion about iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak. Remember that don’t upgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch if you’re still on prior iOS version because you will be able to jailbrak and download Cydia on previous versions with the 9.3.2 jailbreak.

So, stay with us for latest Cydia news and don’t forget to subscribe for the latest jailbreak updates. Now you can add us to your circles on Google+, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook Fan page.



How to Jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 through iOS 10 – Jailbreak Status Update

The second Mobile Security conference was held on 01st of July in Shanghai, China. It was a great moment for the jailbreak community because Pangu revealed that iOS 10 jailbreak is not a dream. Team Pangu showed iOS 10 running iPhone working with Cydia installer. However, they didn’t announce more information about iOS 10 Cydia download but according to Pangu, they will release the iOS 10 jailbreak tool with the official release of iOS 10.

Pangu answered for visitors questions about iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak in this event. Team Pangu said that they are planning to release  iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak in the near future, according to rumors, they will release iOS 9.3.2 Cydia download after the iOS 9.3.3 release. However, no need to worry because most awaited iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak and next iOS 10 jailbreak will release soon.

MOSEC 2016-1

MOSEC 2016-2

iOS 10 Jailbreak

iOS 10 first beta was released on 13 th of June to developers for testing purpose and upcoming iOS 10 comes with lot of new features and bug fixes. Most popular jailbreak teams and iOS hackers were started to jailbreak iOS 10 with the release of first beta. Pangu jailbraek and TaiG jailbrak teams worked hard to find a way to Cydia download for iOS 10 and we had to know that iH8sn0w, a famous hacker has jailbroken iOS 10 using his own method. Unfortunately, individual iOS security researchers do not release their exploit to the public.

Among all of these hackers, Pangu has won the iOS 10 jailbreak crown because Pangu revealed that they will release Cydia downlod for iOS 10 soon as possibe in MOSEC 2016. Jailbreak community will be able to see the Pangu 10 jailbreak after the public release of iOS 10.

iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak

You have to know that Pangu didn’t publish any announcement about iOS 9.3.3 jailbrak at the Mobie Security Conference 2016 but Cydia for iOS 9.3.3 is possible. There’s no any official way to jailbreak iOS 9.3.3 but a famous Italion hacker Luca Todesco has already been jailbroken iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 using his own method. He has posted a some images of his iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 running iPod and Cydia installer has installed on it.

cydiadownload for iOS 9.3.3

iOS 9.3.2 Jailbreak

Jailbreak and Cydia lovers will be able to jailbreak iOS 9.3.2 running iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch soon because Pangu has confirmed Cydia download for iOS 9.3.2 release will come soon. Pangu revealed this news in MOSEC 2016 and jailbreak community will get iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak soon as possible. There’s a rumor about iOS 9.3.2 Cydia installer that Pangu will release this jailbreak after the official release of iOS 9.3.3, so, if you’re still running with iOS 9.3.2 or prior version remember that don’t upgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch yet.

Remember that iOS 10 still in the beta version so, There is a possibility to fix the vulnerabilities of iOS 10 by Apple. You have to wait until the official release of iOS 10 and then Pangu will release their jailbreaks for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch users.

So you can add us to your circles on Google+, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook Fan page and don’t forget subscribe for the latest updates of Cydia download.

Jailbreak and Download Cydia for iOS 9.3 through iOS 9.3.2 – Jailbreak status update

Apple’s latest and best iOS firmware which is iOS 9.3 was released by Apple in March. And after few days later Apple released iOS 9.3.1 minor update for their users to fix an issue that was in iOS 9.3. However, as an iPhone user, I like to say that iOS 9.3 is better than previous firmware versions because there are important improvements in iOS 9.3 to Apple has released iOS 9.3 with the user-friendly and helpful changes such as Touch ID and Passcode supports in Notes app, New Night Shift Mode, improvement of News app, New Carplay update etc. Anyhow, iOS 9.3 Cydia download will be a good topic for all the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users. Read this complete guide and have an idea about the current situation in iOS 9.3 through iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak.


You have to know that  a few days ago Apple released the beta version of iOS 9.3.2 for the developers and the will release it soon for the public users. There is no need to worry if you have already updated your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to latest iOS 9.3 or iOS 9.3.1 because Cydia download for iOS 9.3 is on the way.

iOS 9.3 jailbreak status

Apple released iOS 9.3 with a number of bug fixes and new improvements for their loving iDevice users. Cydia lovers are searching and searching for jailbreak and download Cydia for iOS 9.3 and iOS 9.3.1. Unfortunately, it is impossible to jailbreak and Cydia installer for iOS 9.3 at the moment.

However, we all know that Luca Todesco, a famous iOS security researcher has jailbroken iOS 9.3 when it is in beta version. After that jailbreak community knew that there is a way to jailbreak iOS 9.3 and all the famous jailbreaking teams such as Pangu and TaiG are working hard to introduce a new jailbreak solution for the jailbreak and Cydia lovers.

iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak

iOS 9.3.1 is the latest update of iOS and you can update your iPhoe, iPad or iPod Touch to iOS 9.3.1 using over-the-air update or using iTunes. Apple released iOS 9.3.1 because there was and bad issue in iOS 9.3 which is device was crashing while a long tap on a weblink and now it has been fixed by Apple with the iOS 9.3.1.

iOS 9.3.2 jailbreak

Unfortunately, there is no way to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.3.2 because this iOS version is still in the beta stage and it is no available for public users yet. Apple will release soon the public version of iOS 9.3.2 and there must be some improvements.

How to Cydia download for iOS 9.3 to iOS 9.3.2

I had to say that no need to worry about iOS 9.3 and iOS 9.3.1 jailbreak because Cydia download for iOS 9.3 will release soon for the jailbreak community and Cydia lovers will get the experience of latest jailbreak solution. There is a row of iOS version to jailbreak such as iOS 9.2, 9.2.1, 9.3 and iOS 9.3.1. According to rumors, Pangu will find the next jailbreak solution because they are the owners of the previous iOS 9 versions.

If you’re using iOS 9.1, 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1, do not update iOS of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch because there are two reasons to do that. It is possible to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.1 at the moment, but you are not allowed to get Cydia installer for iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1. However, it is better to avoid from updating your iOS version to latest iOS 9.3.1.

Next Cydia download is not too far from the jailbreak community. Stay with us for more Cydia and jailbreak updates. Comment below your ideas and we will answer you.

Pangu released Pangu 1.3.1 for jailbreak iOS 9.1

A few days ago jailbreak community was suprised by Pangu with the release of Pangu 1.3.0 for iOS 9.1 jailbreak. And now, Pangu has released their latest update of Pangu 9 which is Pangu 1.3.1 for the public. If you already have jailbroken or you wish to jailbreak and Cydia download for your iOS 9 to iOS 9.1 running iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, follow this guide for more information about Pangu 1.3.0

Now it is possibe to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9 through iOS 9.1 with the latest Pangu 1.3.1 tool. Unfortunately, you’re not allowed to jailbreak iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1 with Pangu jailbreak because there is no any jailbreak solution for above iOS versions.


Compatible devices for Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak

  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5/ 5c/ 5s
  • iPhone 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus
  • iPad Mini 2/ Mini 3/ Mini 4
  • iPad Air/ Air 2
  • iPad Pro

What iOS version support with Pangu 1.3.1

  • iOS 9.1
  • iOS 9.0.2
  • iOS 9.0.1
  • iOS 9

You’re not allowed to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 version with the Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak. If you have upgraded your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to the iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1, you are unable to jailbreak your device because Apple has stopped the downgrade availability for previous iOS versions. This latest Pangu 9 update is compatible for both Windows and Mac users. Pangu 1.3.1 supports with Windows and Pangu 1.1.1 supports with Mac


Important instruction before start the Cydia download

  • Backup your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using iTunes or iCloud
  • Turn off “Find My iPhone” feature on your device. ( Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone > tap to Turn off )
  • Turn off ” Touch ID and Passcode” ( Settings > Touch ID and Passcode > Enter passcode or disable Touch ID with the finger to turn off )
  • Enable “Airplane Mode” on your device.
  • Update iTunes to the latest version
  • It’s better to close Anti-Virus program.

How to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.1 with latest Pangu 1.3.1

Step 01: Connect your device to the computer using a USB cable.

Step 02: Then Click on “Start” button to start the process

Step 03: Click on “Already Backup” to continue the jailbreak process

Step 04: Your device will reboot and you will ask to enable “Airplane Mode” again

Step 05: After that Pangu will ask you to unlock your device and then tap on Pangu icon on your Homescreen to continue the process.

Step 06: Tap on “Accept” button to allow Pangu to access your photo library and click “OK” to go ahead.

Step 07: Please be patient for a short time until Pangu ends the process. After a short while, your device will reboot automatically.

Congratulations! you have successfully jailbroken your iOS 9.1 running iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with the latest Pangu 1.3.1. Now, Cydia installer will show on your Homescreen and you’re allowed to download and install unlimited of new apps and tweaks for your device with Cydia download. Please comment us if you have any doubt about our guide. Stay with us for more jailbreak and Cydia news.

How to jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 – Jailbreak status update

iOS 9.2.1 is the latest iOS firmware that has released for the public. Can I jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2.1? This is the right place to find out the latest jailbreak news and updates for Cydia lovers. Follow our complete guide to know current situation about iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak.



A couple of days ago Pangu released their latest untethered jailbreak solution for iOS 9.1 jailbreak. Pangu surprised the jailbreak community with the release of most awaited Pangu 1.3.0 jailbreak tool. This was a good news for iOS Cydia lovers who were using iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 and iOS 9.1 on their iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Unfortunately, newly released iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 versions are still in the un-jailbreakable mode because Apple patched several vulnerabilities used in Pangu9 in iOS 9.1,  you’re unable to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.2.1 at the moment.

Current situation of iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak

According to rumors, Pangu will release the next jailbreak tool in the near future. Windknown, a member of core Pangu team has posted a technical article on his twitter page explaining about security and vulnerability fixes found in iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.2

He has posted explaining some technical detail about specific exploits that could be used to jailbreak iOS. His post says you to stay in iOS 9.2 until the public jailbreak release or update your device if you have any doubt about security vulnerabilities in iOS 9.2.1. @qwertyoruip(Luca Todesco) has also tweeted to @windknown about above mentioned post.


According to Luca stay in current iOS 9.2 version, if you want to jailbreak and Cydia download on your device and update your device, if you don’t care about jailbreak.

How to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2.1

Currently, there is no any jailbreak tool for iOS 9.2 or iOS 9.2.1. But, a famous hacker Luca Tedesco has jailbroken iOS 9.2 using his own method. He has posted a video and some screenshots of untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2. The good news is Cydia installer has been installed on his iPhone 6 and he is working on it.

Video: iOS 9.2 jailbroken by Luca Todesco

Luca Todesco has announced this important news on his twitter (@qwertyoruiop) and unfortunately, he mentions that he have no idea to release this untethered jailbreak solution for the public. However, now we know that it is possible to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.2 version. Maybe, Pangu will release it soon for our loving Cydia fans.

Stay with us for more Cydia news and jailbreak updates. Comment below your ideas and we’ll answer you as soon as possible.

How to Cydia Download and Jailbreak iOS 9.1 with Pangu 9 version 1.3.0

Most awaited untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 9.1 jailbreak and Cydia download has released by Pangu today. Now, all the Cydia and jailbreak lovers can download the latest Pangu 9 jailbreak update from our page without any cost. The latest version of Pangu is available for both Windows and Mac users. Pangu 1.3.0 for Windows users and Pangu 1.1.0 for Mac users. Pangu is the most famous iOS security research team in the world because they have won the award of iOS 9 jailbreak. And it is happy to say that, Pangu surprised jailbreak community again with the most awaited iOS 9.1 jailbreak and they protected the crown of jailbreak with their new release. Anyway, now it is possible to Cydia download for your iOS 9.0 through iOS 9.1 running iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with latest Pangu Jailbreak solution, here is the complete guide about jailbreak  and download Cydia for iOS 9.1.



Pangu Jailbreak iOS 9.0 through iOS 9.1 Compatible Devices

  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus/ 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone 5s/ 5c/ 5/ 4s
  • iPad 4/ 3/ 2
  • iPad Air 2,/ Air
  • iPad Mini 3/ Min 2 (retina)/ Mini
  • iPod Touch 6th Generation/ 5th Generation

Some key points before the jailbreak process

  • This is an untethered jailbreak tool.
  • It is currently available only for the Windows users and Mac tool will be released immediately.
  • You must have to backup your device using iTunes or iCloud before you start to the process. Pangu is not a data loss process, but it is the best escape plan when you something goes wrong.
  • Turn off “Find My iPhone” before starting the process ( Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone option turn off temporarily ).
  • Enable “Airplane Mode” in your device.
  • Turn off Touch ID and Passcode from this path ( Settings > General > Touch ID and Passcode > Turn off )
  • Disable anti-virus program on your device, because the process will block by the anti-virus program.

How to jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9.1 using Pangu 1.3.0

  1. Download the newly released Pangu iOS 9.1 jailbreak tool for  your PC.
  2. Connect your iOS device to the Computer using USB cable.
  3. Find the downloaded “exe” file and then right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator” to launch.
  4. Pangu untethered jailbreak tool will identify your device within few minutes.
  5. Now click on “Start” button to start the jailbreak process.
  6. Finally, your iDevice will reboot automatically.
  7. That is all. Now Cydia installer will appear on your home screen.

Troubleshooting Tips

Do not use your device before the process is finished. You can try again when you unable to finish jailbreak process perfectly. And remember to Turn on “Find My iPhone” option and enable “Touch ID and Passcode” after the process was finished.

 Finally, you have jailbroken your iOS 9.1 running iPhone, iPad or iPoid Touch with the amazing Pangu 1.3.0. Now it is possible to download and install unlimited apps and tweaks with the Cydia download. If there any doubt with our guide, please comment us.

How jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS iOS 9.0 Through iOS 9.0.2

Pangu was released most awaited Cydia download for the jailbreak community. Pangu has the habit of surprising everyone with their latest updates. So this time, they have surprised everybody by releasing the real Cydia installer with iOS 9 for their fans. However, it is possible to jailbreak iOS 9 to iOS 9.0.2 using Pangu 9. If you wish to reliable your iOS device from manufacturer limitation and customize your device, then here is the right way to install Cydia for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch with Pangu9 download.


What devices supports for iOS 9 jailbreak with Pangu

  • iPod Touch 6G/ 5G
  • iPad Air 2/ Air
  • iPad Mini 3/ Mini 2/ Mini
  • iPad 4/ 3/ 2
  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus/ 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone 5s/ 5c/ 5
  • iPhone 4s

Important instructions before start the Cydia download for  iOS 9

  •  Take complete device backup before start the process using iTunes or iCloud,
  • If you have updated your iDevice with any version of iOS 9 through OTA, you should restore your device with fresh version iOS 9 from iTunes to prevent jailbreak failing.
  • Install latest iTunes version.
  • Temporarily disable “Find My iPhone” and  Touch ID/ Passcode options from Settings on your iOS device.
  • Enable “Airplane Mode” in your device.
  • Switch off your anti-virus program before you run the process.
  • Pangu is an untethered jailbreak tool. You can download Pangu latest update without paying for it.

How to download Cydia for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 using Pangu9 Jailbreak

Download: Pangu 9 version 1.2.1 for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2

  1. Download the Pangu9 jailbreak to your Windows or Mac from above link.
  2. Connect the iOS device to computer using USB cable.
  3. Now run the application as administrator.
  4. Wait until detecting your device by Pangu.
  5. Now click on “Start” button to continue the mechanism.
  6. Click “Already backup” button from next window.
  7. During the process, you will see the two apps on your device home screen as WWDC and Pangu.
  8. You have to turn on Airplane mode again.
  9. After a short while, you will see the message “Jailbreak Completed”.
  10. That is all. Now Cydia installer will appear on your device home screen.

Video: Jailbreak and download Cydia for iOS 9.0.2

Troubleshooting Tips

There are so many technical errors have found in Pangu iOS 9 Cydia installer mechanism. Such as the process is getting stuck at 90%, 65%, the Start jailbreak button grayed out, runtime error, Cydia crash, stuck at apple logo, winter board was not working, missing settings for jailbreak tweaks and more. We suggest to do for several failed attempts please enable “Airplane Mode” and try again, reboot both your device and computer and try again, otherwise use restore your device using the restore function in the page and try again. Do not use your device during the process, it is compulsory.

If there any problem about Cydia installer for iOS devices, comment below and we will answer you as soon as possible. Stay with us for more jailbreak updates.

Cydia Installer for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch – Jailbreak Guide

Now you can Cydia download on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch within few minutes of time with latest jailbreak updates. Nowadays, most of Cydia lovers are so much interesting to know about the date of iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2 jailbreak tool released. Unfortunately, jailbreakers are unable to find the real solution to Cydia download on that firmware. Pangu9 is the latest jailbreak solution which is released on 14th of October in 2015 to jailbreak iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 firmware collection. We will not be able to forget about TaiG because TaiG Jailbreak is another latest Cydia installer earlier to Pangu 9. We always try to give correct information about latest Cydia Download updates. So follow us.


Cydia is like a major role on Apple devices. Most apple consumers opt to Cydia download on their iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch because it is the brilliant way to customize your device. This amazing Cydia installer was created by Jay Freeman in February in 2008 and since 2008, there were so many updates. Cydia 1.1.25 and 1.1.26 are the latest versions for iOS 9 to iOS 9.0.2, available for download now. The latest update v1.1.26 integrated with Pangu 9 jailbreak. Anyway, if you are looking to download Cydia, here is the right place to do that without any problem.

Download Pangu iOS 9 Jailbreak to Download Cydia on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch


Pangu team surprised everybody with their latest Pangu9 and they were the first team who was the primus team jailbroken iOS 9 to iOS 9.0.2. As I mentioned, Saurik released the latest Cydia version 1.1.26 integrated with Pangu 9. The latest Pangu can be downloaded from our website without any payment. You will be able to download lots of new Lydia tweaks, games, apps, themes, mods and more through Cydia after jailbreaking. Cydia download will automatically install on your phone at the end of the process, no need to install manually.

Download: Pangu9 for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2

Cydia download compatible devices for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2

  • iPod Touch 6G/ 5G
  • iPad Air 2/ Air
  • iPad Mini 3/ Mini 2/ Mini
  • iPad 4/ 3/ 2
  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus/ 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone 5s/ 5c/ 5
  • iPhone 4s

How to Jailbreak iOS 9 to iOS 9.0.2 using Pangu

Pangu has the simple method to jailbreak your device. No need to any big requirements. Mainly, you need to disable Find my iPhone, Passcode or Touch ID, and anti-virus program, enable “Airplane mode”, even complete backup of your device. Then you can use Cydia installer on your device following below steps:

  1. Connect your iOS device to PC.
  2. Open the tool.
  3. Wait until detecting your device.
  4. Click “Start” and “Already backup” buttons to continue.
  5. Once the process is finished, your device will reboot itself.
  6. Cydia download will appear on your device home screen.

Download TaiG Jailbreak for iOS 8.0 through iOS 8.1.2 to Download Cydia on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch


As I mentioned, secondly we can take out TaiG Jailbreak to Cydia download on your iDevice. TaiG is another well-famous jailbreak solution which release for iOS 8 jailbreak. TaiG version 1.2.1 untethered jailbreak can be used to Cydia download for iOS 8.0 to iOS 8.1.2

Download: TaiG Jailbreak for iOS 8.0 to iOS 8.1.2

Cydia download compatible devices for iOS 8.0 through iOS 8.1.2

  • iPod Touch 6G/ 5G
  • iPad Air 2/ Air
  • iPad Mini 3/ Mini 2/ Mini
  • iPad 4/ 3/ 2
  • iPhone 6s/ 6s plus/ 6/ 6 plus
  • iPhone 5s/ 5c/ 5
  • iPhone 4s

How to jailbreak iOS 8.0 to iOS 8.1.2 using TaiG Jailbreak

Device preparation is same to Pangu jailbreak. You should be disabled “Find my iPhone” and Touch ID/ Passcode and anti-virus program. Even enabled “Airplane Mode” on your device. Do not forget to take complete device backup using iTunes or iCloud before start the jailbreak process and follow below steps:

  1. Download TaiG jailbreak tool from our website.
  2. Connect your device to PC.
  3. Open the program.
  4. Click “Start” to continue.
  5. The device will reboot automatically.
  6. Cydia icon will appear on your device home screen.

If you followed these steps as we said, you would be able to jailbreak and install Cydia for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. If any doubt about this guide, please comment below and we will answer your questions. Stay with us and We will feed with the latest information about latest Cydia installer for iOS 9.2.1 through iOS 9.3.

Cydia installer for iOS 9 with Pangu Jailbreak

Pangu team has surprised everyone by updating Pangu jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 on all iDevices. Actually, it was the very welcome surprise for those who were waiting for an untethered jailbreak on iOS 9. We do not expect about iOS 9 jailbreak because apple was confirmed that they have patched all vulnerabilities by preventing all jailbreak possibilities. Although as the final result, Pangu was released Cydia installer for iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 with the Pangu9. Here is how to Cydia download on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch using Pangu 9 jailbreak.


pangu 9

Jailbreak iOS 9 with Pangu9 Supports iOS Devices

  • iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s, iPhone 4s
  • iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad 4, iPad 3, iPad 2
  • 5th Generation iPod touch, 6th Generation iPod touch

Some key points earlier to the process

  • You can use Pangu untethered jailbreak iOS 9 for both Windows and Mac.
  • Pangu9 is an untethered jailbreak, 100% safe without any virus threats.
  • Before start the jailbreak and Cydia download, backup your device using iTunes or iCloud to save your important data. When you something happen, you can restore your device using a backup.
  • Disable anti-virus program, Find my iPhone and Passcode or Touch ID option.
  • Turn on Airplane mode in your device.
  • Please ensure that you have iTunes update to the latest iOS version.

How to Jailbreak and Cydia download iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2 Using Pangu Jailbreak

  1. Download the latest Pangu9 jailbreak tool from our direct download link.
  2. Attach your iOS device to PC using USB data cable.
  3. Open the downloaded Pangu9 exe file by clicking “Run as Administrator” option.
  4. Pangu will take few minutes to identify your device. After that, you will see the first jailbreak window. Click on “Start” to continue the process.
  5. Click on “Already backup” button from the second window.
  6. After few second, the progress bar will finish. Then your device will reboot.
  7. Cydia installer will appear on your iOS device home screen.

Jailbreak and Cydia installer for iOS 9 Video Tutorial

Beside the process: Now you can turn on Passcode lock and Find my iPhone options which are disabled earlier to the process.

Help Tips for jailbreak iOS 9

You will unable to jailbreak iOS devices that are upgraded through OTA

  • OTA upgrade will affect Pangu jailbreak iOS 9 lots and it will be the result Pangu 9 to fail. If you have failed in several times, you have to download the latest firmware and restore your device through iTunes. Even Pangu provides a new functionality to restore your device easily.

For several failed attempts Pangu suggests to:

  • Switch the airplane mode and try again.
  • Restore your iOS device using Pangu restore function and try again.
  • Reboot your iOS device as well as computer and try again.

For the warning message of “Disk is almost full”

  • You will see this message during the jailbreak process because it will write some important files into the system partition by leading this warning. It will not affect your device and it will disappear once Cydia is installed.

We expect to update our page with new updates, so stay with us and comment below if you have any doubt about this guide or Cydia download.

Cydia installer for iOS 7.1.X with Pangu Jailbreak

A mysterious team of Chinese jailbreak Developer Pangu was surprised everyone by releasing the untethered jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 7.1 through iOS 7.1.2 for the apple consumers. If you have iOS 7.1.X running un-jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, here is your chance to Cydia installer with Pangu jailbreak. Now you are able to Cydia download on your iOS device, so do not miss to download your favorite tweaks, apps and more through Cydia installer. Here is the complete review about Pangu jailbreak iOS 7.1. through iOS 7.1.2. If you are overplaying on Pangu iOS 7.1.x, then add this article also in your jailbreak news collection.


pangu jailbreak

Cydia installer for iOS 7.1.X with Pangu – Changelog

V 1.2.1 (Windows)

  • Fixed a crash issue in Pangu windows version

V 1.2.0 (Mac)

  • Fixed sandbox logs issue
  • Add notification when jailbreak is fail
  • Fixed boot loop bug for some iPhone 4s and iPhone 4
  • afc2 was included
  • Add patch for task_for_pid

V 1.1.0

  • Optimized the file size
  • Added online self-verification
  • Added English support
  • Fixed the boot loop bug
  • Used new info leak bug instead of @i0n1c’s

Pangu Jailbreak iOS 7.1.X Compatible iOS Devices

  • iPhone 5/ 5s/ 5c
  • iPhone 4s/ 4
  • iPad Air, iPad 2/ 3/ 4
  • iPad Mini/ 2 (Retina)
  • 5th Generation iPod touch

iOS 7.1.X  jailbreak with Pangu Support iOS Versions

  • iOS 7.1
  • iOS 7.1.1
  • iOS 7.1.2

Pangu version 1.2.1 is an untethered jailbreak to download Cydia on your iOS device, especially, you can use their editions with your device without any fear because it is 100% safe and no any harm from malware or spyware threats. It does not a process which is destroying your device data. But do not forget to keep full device first of all. Before you start the Cydia download process, you must go through the instruction given below:

  • This tutorial is only for windows users.
  • Disable Find my iPhone option [Settings > iCloud > Find my iPhone > Turn off Find my iPhone]
  • Make sure that you have updated iTunes to the latest version.
  • Pleased disable the Passcode or touch ID in your device [Settings > General > Passcode or Touch ID > Turn off]
  • Please note that after jailbreak, your iOS device warranty may be void, so please proceed at your own risk.

Jailbreak and Cydia download for iOS 7.1 through iOS 7.1.2 Using Pangu Jailbreak – Complete Guide With Video Demonstration

  1. Download the latest Pangu for iOS 7 edition from our direct download link.
  2. Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to the PC.
  3. Open the downloaded Pangu exe file as an Administrator. Right click on the tool and select “Run as Administrator”.
  4. Now click on the jailbreak button.
  5. Wait for your iOS device to reboot several times.
  6. After few minutes, you will see that you have Cydia installer on your device home screen.

If there is any doubt with this guide, you can follow our vide tutorial on Jailbreak and Cydia download iOS 7.1.X:

Congratulations! now, you have successfully jailbroken your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with Pangu untethered jailbreak. Don’t forget to re-enable “Find My iPhone” and “Touch ID/Passcode”. Do not miss to check our articles daily for new updates in the jailbreak world. Leave your comment below about Cydia download.